The 2020 Census is Happening Now. Respond Today.
The U.S. Census Bureau conducts more than 130 surveys and programs each year, including our nation's largest:
To find more information on a specific survey or program please select it from the list below.
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Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services (MARTS)
Provides an early indication of sales of retail and food service companies.
American Community Survey (ACS)
The American Community Survey is the premier source for information about America's changing population, housing and workforce.
American Housing Survey (AHS)
The AHS is sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.
American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
The ATUS measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, volunteering, and socializing.
Annual Business Survey (ABS)
Provides annual data on select economic and demographic characteristics of employer businesses, including annual R&D estimates.
Annual Capital Expenditures Survey (ACES)
Provides estimates on business spending for new and used structures and equipment.
Annual Parole Survey and Annual Probation Survey
These surveys collect administrative data from probation and parole agencies in the U.S. Published data include both national and state-level data.
Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS)
The Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS) produces industry-level estimates of sales, expenses, and other items for the retail sector in the U.S. each year.
Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs (ASE)
Provides estimates of number of firms, sales/receipts, annual payroll, and employment by sex, ethnicity, race, and veteran status.
Annual Survey of Jails (ASJ)
Collects data from a nationally representative sample of local jails on jail inmate populations, jail capacity, and related information.
Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM)
Provides estimates on manufacturing activity, products, and location for the public and private sectors.
Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll (ASPEP)
Provides state and local government data on full-time and part-time employment, part-time hours worked, full-time equivalent employment, and payroll statistics.
Annual Survey of Public Pensions (ASPP)
The Survey of Public Pensions provides revenues, expenditures, financial assets, and membership information for the defined benefit public pensions.
Annual Survey of School System Finances
Provides statistics about the finances of elementary and secondary public school systems.
Annual Survey of State Government Finances
State Government Finances provides a comprehensive summary of annual survey findings for state governments.
Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC)
The STC provides a summary of taxes collected by state for 5 broad tax categories and up to 25 tax subcategories.
Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances
Statistics on revenue, expenditure, debt, and assets (cash and security holdings) for governments.
Annual Wholesale Trade Survey (AWTS)
AWTS is conducted every year to provide detailed industry measures of sales, inventories, operational expenses and purchases for wholesale trade activities.
Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
The Census Bureau conducts the BAS annually to collect information about selected legally defined geographic areas.
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