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(thăt, thət)that
(ðæt; unstressed ðət)that
(ðæt; unstressed ðət)pron.andadj., pl. those;
adv. ; conj. pron.
That has three main uses:
You use it in various ways to refer to something that has already been mentioned or that is already known. When that is used like this, it is always pronounced /ðæt/.
That is used at the beginning of a special type of clause called a that-clause. In that-clauses, that is usually pronounced /ðət/.
That is also used at the beginning of another type of clause called a defining relative clause. In defining relative clauses, that is usually pronounced /ðət/.
thoseThat and those are used in different ways when you are referring to people, things, events, or periods of time. They can both be determiners or pronouns. In this use, that is pronounced /ðæt/. Those is the plural form of that.
You can use that or those to refer to people, things, or events that have already been mentioned or that are already known about.
You can also use that or those to refer to people or things that you can see but that are not close to you.
However, you don't usually use that as a pronoun to refer to a person. You only use it when you are identifying someone or asking about their identity.
When you have been describing an event, you can use that with a word like day, morning, or afternoon to say that something else happened during the same day.
You can also use that with week, month, or year to show that something happened during the same week, month, or year.
This and these are used in some similar ways to that and those.
thatThis and that are determiners or pronouns. The plural form of this is these. The plural form of that is those.
This entry deals with the similarities and differences between the ways in which these words are used.
This, these, that, and those are all used for referring to people, things, or events that have already been mentioned. It is more common to use this and these than that and those.
You use that or those when you are referring to something for the second time in a sentence, using the same noun.
You usually use that, rather than 'this', to refer to a statement that someone has just made.
You can use this or that to talk about events or situations.
You use this to refer to a situation that is continuing to exist, or to an event that is continuing to take place.
You use that to refer to an event or situation that has taken place recently.
You use this or these to refer to people or things that are very near to you. For example, you use this to refer to an object you are holding in your hand, or something on a desk or table in front of you.
You use that or those to refer to people or things that you can see or hear, but that are not very near to you, so that, for example, you cannot put out your hand and touch them.
When you are comparing two things and one of them is nearer to you than the other, you can use this to refer to the one that is nearer and that to refer to the one that is further away.
(strong form) [ðæt] (weak form) [dət] (those (pl))that book → ese libro
that hill over there → aquella colina de allí
that car is much better value than that sports model at the end → ese coche está mejor de precio que aquel modelo deportivo que hay al final
that lad of yours → ese chico tuyo
that wretched dog! → ¡ese maldito perro!
what about that cheque? → ¿y el cheque ese?
I only met her that once → la vi solamente aquella vez
that one → ése m, ésa f; (more remote) → aquél m, aquélla f
there's little to choose between this model and that one → no hay mucho que elegir entre este modelo y aquél
1992? I can't remember where we holidayed that year → ¿1992? no recuerdo dónde pasamos las vacaciones ese año
May? we can't come that month because we'll be moving house → ¿en mayo? no podemos venir ese mes porque nos estaremos mudando de casa
what is that? → ¿qué es eso?, ¿eso qué es?
that's my French teacher over there → aquél es mi profesor de francés
that's my sister over by the window → aquélla de la ventana es mi hermana
that's Joe → es Joe
is that you, Paul? → ¿eres tú, Paul?
£5? it must have cost more than that → ¿5 libras? debe haber costado más (que eso)
that's true → eso es verdad, es cierto (esp LAm)
that's odd! → ¡qué raro!, ¡qué cosa más rara!
1988? that was the year you graduated, wasn't it? → ¿1988? ése fue el año en que acabaste la carrera, ¿no es así?
"will he come?" - "that he will!" (o.f.) → -¿vendrá? -¡ya lo creo!
after that → después de eso
bees and wasps and all that → abejas, avispas y cosas así
that's all I can tell you → eso es todo lo que puedo decirte
is that all? → ¿eso es todo?, ¿nada más?
she's not as stupid as (all) that → no es tan estúpida como para eso
and it was broken at that → y además estaba roto
I realized he meant to speak to me and at that I panicked → me di cuenta de que quería hablar conmigo y entonces me entró el pánico
what do you mean by that? → ¿qué quieres decir con eso?
if it comes to that → en tal caso, si llegamos a eso
it will cost 20 dollars, if that → costará 20 dólares, si es que llega
that is (= ie) → es decir ...
that's it, we've finished → ya está, hemos terminado
they get their wages and that's it → tienen un sueldo y eso es todo
that's it! she can find her own gardener! → ¡se acabó! ¡que se busque un jardinero por su cuenta!
that of → el/la de
a hurricane like that of 1987 → un huracán como el de 1987
a recession like that of 1973-74 → una recesión como la de 1973-1974
that is to say → es decir ...
why worry about that which may never happen? (frm) → ¿por qué preocuparse por aquello que or por lo que puede que nunca vaya a pasar?
with that → con eso
that's that: you can't go and that's that → no puedes irte sin más, no puedes ir y no hay más qué decir, no puedes ir y sanseacabó
so that was that → y no había más que hacer, y ahí terminó la cosa
the man that came in → el hombre que entró
the book that I read → el libro que leí
the houses that I painted → las casas que pinté
the girl that he met on holiday and later married → la chica que conoció durante las vacaciones y con la que después se casó
all that I have → todo lo que tengo
fool that I am! → ¡tonto que soy!
the car that she got into → el coche al que se subió
the film that I read about in the papers → la película sobre la que leí en el periódico
the box that I put it in → la caja donde lo puse, la caja en la que or en la cual lo puse
a planet that satellites go round → un planeta alrededor del cual giran satélites
that far → tan lejos
he can't be that clever → no puede ser tan inteligente
I didn't know he was that ill → no sabía que estuviera tan enfermo
it's about that big (with gesture) → es más o menos así de grande
cheer up! it isn't that bad → ¡ánimo! ¡no es para tanto!
that many frogs → tantas ranas
that much money → tanto dinero
he said that → dijo que ...
he said that he was going to London and would be back in the evening → dijo que se iba a Londres y (que) volvería por la tarde
I believe that he exists → creo que existe
any hope that they might have survived was fading → toda esperanza de que hubiesen sobrevivido se estaba desvaneciendo
the idea that we can profit from their labour → la idea de que podemos aprovecharnos de su trabajo
..., not that I want to, of course → ..., no es que yo quiera, por supuesto
oh that we could! → ¡ojalá pudiéramos!, ¡ojalá!
that he should behave like this is incredible → (el) que se comporte así es increíble, es increíble que se comporte así
see also would 7
[ˈðæt](STRONG) [ðət]Have you read that book? → Avez-vous lu ce livre?
Who is that man? → Qui est cet homme?
Who is that woman? → Qui est cette femme?
Whose are those shoes? → À qui sont ces chaussures?
THAT road, not this one → Cette route-là, pas celle-ci.
that one → celui-là(celle-là)
"This man?" - "No, that one." → "Cet homme-ci?" - "Non, celui-là."
"Do you like this photo?" - "No, I prefer that one." → "Tu aimes cette photo?" - "Non, je préfère celle-là."
You see that? → Tu vois ça?
Do it like that → Fais-le comme ça.
is that you? → c'est toi?
who's that? → qui est-ce?
what's that? → qu'est-ce que c'est?
what are those? → qu'est-ce que c'est?
that's ... → c'est ...
That's my French teacher → C'est mon prof de français.
That's what he said → C'est ce qu'il a dit.
those are ... → ce sont ...
Those are my books → Ce sont mes livres.
that is to say, that is → c'est-à-dire, à savoir
at that, she ... → là-dessus, elle ...
with that, she ... → là-dessus, elle ...
the man that saw us → l'homme qui nous a vus
the man that spoke to us → l'homme qui nous a parlé
the dog that bit her → le chien qui l'a mordue
the books that are in the library → les livres qui sont dans la bibliothèque
the book that I read → le livre que j'ai lu
the man that we saw → l'homme que nous avons vu
the dog that she bought → le chien qu'elle a acheté
all that I have → tout ce que j'ai
the box that I put it in → la boîte dans laquelle je l'ai mis
the man that we spoke to
BUT l'homme à qui nous avons parlé.
the people that I spoke to
BUT les gens auxquels j'ai parlé; les gens à qui j'ai parlé.
not that I know of → pas à ma connaissance
He thought that Maggie was ill → Il pensait que Maggie était malade.
I know that she likes chocolate → Je sais qu'elle aime le chocolat.
I didn't know it was that bad → Je ne savais pas que c'était si mauvais., Je ne savais pas que c'était aussi mauvais.
It was that big → C'était grand comme ça.
It's about that high → C'est à peu près haut comme ça.
It's not that difficult → Ça n'est pas si difficile que ça., Ce n'est pas si difficile que ça.
I can't work that much → Je ne peux pas travailler autant que ça.